Event: Principles & Practice: Intercropping and Compost Extracts (with Andy Howard)


Ashford, Kent, England

Principles & Practice: Intercropping and Compost Extracts


Joel Williams, Tannis & Derek Axten, and Andy Howard will present a field day exploring the principles and practice of intercropping. In the afternoon lectures, Joel will discuss the ecological principles and interactions between intercrops while Derek and Tannis will share their experience of farming in the Canadian Prairies. Andy will lead the evening tour to explore intercrop trials grown on Bockhanger Farms and a compost extract trial underway in conjunction with Kent Wildlife Trust. The event will conclude with a bbq with grassfed meat provided by Andrew Lingham from Court Farm.  


  • 13:30-14:00 Arrive
  • 14:00-15:15 Joel Williams – Insights on Intercropping
  • 15:15-16:30 Derek & Tannis Axten – Soil Health & Intercropping on the Canadian Prairies
  • 16:30-17:00 Break
  • 17:00-19:00 Andy Howard – Farm Tour including SFI companion cropping, intercropping and compost extracts in practice
  • 19:00 BBQ sundowner – included in price of ticket, with thanks to KWT, Coop and Court Farm



Bockhanger Farms



TN26 1ER




More on the Axtens here and here

More on Andy Howard here

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